Many newspapers have run tributes or obituaries about Dick and this page will bring them together so that you can read about them. Please do get in touch if you publish new tributes or spot some that we have missed

Daily Telegraph, 5 July
Dick Leonard, Europhile Labour MP, journalist with the Economist and political biographer – obituary
He supported Anthony Crosland’s Labour leadership bid and defied his party to vote to join the EC before becoming a respected author...More

The Romford Recorder
A Labour activist, journalist, historian and former MP for Romford has passed away aged 90.
Born on December 12 in 1930, Dick Leonard died on June 24, 2021 at his home in Albert Street, Camden....More

The Camden New Journal
Former MP had worked as a journalist and been among the press corps on JFK's presidential jet...More
The Guardian
Journalist, historian and pro-European Labour MP who rebelled against his party’s whip to vote in favour of the Common Market...More